Can not submit abstract immediately after registration

Can not submit abstract immediately after registration

by Chun-Yu Chen -
Number of replies: 2

I just completed my registration in order to submit my manuscript on 12/31, but after registering, I found out that it takes 48 hours for my registration to be approved, which prevented me from getting my registration code and submitting my abstract in time. 

Could you please help me speed up the registration approval process or open up the possibility of completing the abstract even after approval, which was not anticipated prior to registration?

By the way, the contact us function at official website didnt work, which make me could not submit the abstract on tome.

In reply to Chun-Yu Chen

Re: Can not submit abstract immediately after registration

by APOA Admin -
Hi Chun-Yu Chen, i'm sorry to hear about the issues you have been having. The submission has been extend to 15/01/2024, so hopefully this gives you enough time to for you to submit your abstract, we look forward to receiving it.

When you refer to the contact function at the website, do you mean here on or over on
In reply to APOA Admin

Re: Can not submit abstract immediately after registration

by Chun-Yu Chen -
That's wonderful news for me, thanks. I have already done the submission.

Contact function on didn't work when 2023/12/31.