Infection Section About | APOA
Infection Section
Orthopaedics has branched out into various subspecialties, with diversified surgical techniques and advancements.Every specialised technique has its own set of complications which may not be seen in other subspecialties.
Infection, probably, is the only complication common all across the board. It burdens not only the patient, but also the surgeon, hospital and the entire healthcare system with costs spiralling out of control.
The oft ignored socio- economic and psychological aspects along with the medico- surgical challenge form the 'Dreaded Triangle of Infection'
Orthopaedic infections are exceptionally challenging as the bony architecture provides a safe haven for the bacteria to lie dormant for decades. The inability of the surgeon or the antibiotics to reach these hidden caverns forms the crux of the matter, resulting in repeated and intractable infections.There is a tremendous surge in research to prevent and treat orthopaedic infections, but we are yet to reach a concrete solution.
The Infection Section of APOA has been created with the following goals in mind...
- Formulate guidelines for diagnosis of bone infections
- Formulate protocols for management of
- a. Acute and chronic osteomyelitis
- b. Implant associated infections
- c. Soft tissue infections
- Prevent antibiotics abuse
- Create a platform for discussion of relevant cases
Through this platform, we will attempt to disseminate scientific literature on this burning issue, as well as links to various pathologies specific to this geographic region like:
- A. Emergence of multidrug resistant Gram negative infections
- B. Atypical mycobacterial infections
- C. Burkholderia osteoarticular infections
and others.
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