Topic outline
Anup Agrawal CommitteePresidentIndia
Wael Taha CommitteePresident ElectSaudi Arabia
Christian Fang CommitteeVice PresidentHong Kong
Marinis Pirpiris CommitteeImmediate Past PresidentAustralia
Hakan Kinik CommitteeCongress President 2023Turkey
JI Wan Kim CommitteeSecretary GeneralKorea (the Republic of)
Abdullah Al Zahrani CommitteeNational DelegateSaudi Arabia
Apipop Kritsaneephailboon CommitteeNational DelegateThailand
Chang Wug Oh CommitteeNational DelegateKorea (the Republic of)
Dennis Yee CommitteeNational DelegateHong Kong
Guvenir Okcu CommitteeNational DelegateTurkey
Harpal Singh Selhi CommitteeNational DelegateIndia
Israr Ahmad CommitteeNational DelegatePakistan
J P Leung CommitteeNational DelegatePhilippines
Lia Marliana CommitteeNational DelegateIndonesia
M K Wong CommitteeNational DelegateSingapore
Quazi Shahid-ul Alam CommitteeNational DelegateBangladesh
Roger Bingham CommitteeNational DelegateAustralia
Saeed Al Thani CommitteeNational DelegateUnited Arab Emirates
Sankara Kumar CommitteeNational DelegateMalaysia
Sudeep Man Vaidya CommitteeNational DelegateNepal
Yoshinobu Watanabe CommitteeNational DelegateJapan
Yu-Ping Su CommitteeNational DelegateTaiwan
Go To Forum: PTC 2024-01-25
This forum was created by David Choon on 2024-01-25 to start discussions for the establishment oc the APOA-PTC course. The prime movers will be Marinis Pirpiris, Anup Agrawal and Arif Khan. The purpose of the group is to discuss the structure of the courses and how to run them.
There are no discussion topics yet in this forumThis forum was created by David Choon on 2024-01-25 to start discussions for the establishment oc the APOA-PTC course. The prime movers will be Marinis Pirpiris, Anup Agrawal and Arif Khan. The purpose of the group is to discuss the structure of the courses and how to run them.