Free Paper Submission Deadline Extended.

Free Paper Submission Deadline Extended.

by APOA Admin -
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Free paper submission deadline for the upcoming 2024 APOA Congress Dubai has been extended to the 15/01/2024.

To be able to submit a free paper you must be registered for the Congress. You can do so by visiting

Once your registration has been confirmed you will receive a registration key. This is different to the confirmation code you receive.

You can then enter that key here

Free paper submission page

Follow the instructions to upload your free paper. Remember we ask for a 5 minute video submission along with your abstract. In this video you should record yourself walking through your paper. Once submitted your submission will be uploaded to the OpenLearning platform, this will allow you to engage with fellow Congress attendees and discuss each others papers. You will also be able to vote on the best papers.

New submission deadline:


Thanks and see you in Dubai!